То, о чем и как я говорил на Форуме 2020

«Мировой экономический кризис оказал влияние на все российское общество, в том числе и на средний класс. Кризис занимательный. Он показал не иностранную его природу. Кризис отразился на всех, и в том числе на гегемоне. Произошло расслоение. Те, кто занимается перераспределением государственных средств, сейчас процветают, люди с удовольствием идут на госслужбу в МВД. Боюсь только не родину защищать. Вторая категория - это те, кто еще продолжает заниматься бизнесом».

Развивающийся кризис показал: некоторые люди в правительстве поняли, что иногда нужно слушать, что думают люди о мерах предпринимаемых ими. Яркий пример - то, как пытаются поддержать отечественный автопром - результат от этого нулевой. Но жёны руководства АвтоВАЗа обмениваются на праздниках сумками Биркин, и я не могу за них не радоваться.

Когда мы говорим о спасении гегемона, возникает вопрос, кто будет спасать? Правительство занимается поддержкой пенсионеров и безработных, никакой инновационной составляющей здесь нет. Это идеальное условие для уничтожения гегемона, для его расслоения и доведения до отчаяния.

Ситуация критичная, и понятно, что нас спасает долготерпение русского народа. Но если сейчас не будет налажен контакт между властью и обществом и реальный контроль общества за бюджетными деньгами, а не других чиновников, ничего хорошего не будет..."

Владимир Соловьёв БУМ



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Опубликовано 04 Апр 2009 в 14:43.
В рубриках: Владимир Соловьёв, Колонка журналиста, Политика, Экономика.
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Комментарий by Thomaswarty
2024-02-06 11:15:45

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Комментарий by MichaelRok
2024-02-07 00:47:23

Selling your home for cash and turning properties for profit may be a powerful way to earn money when you look at the housing market, but it requires careful planning and preparation. By using the proper strategies, you can easily boost your odds of success and then make a substantial profit. In this specific article, we are going to discuss at length the steps you will need to decide to try sell your home for cash fast and flip houses for profit.

Determine the marketplace worth of your home: Before you market your property for cash, it is vital to determine its market value. This can provide you with a sense of simply how much you need to sell your property for and can help you create informed decisions through the entire process. There are many techniques to determine the marketplace worth of your house, such as hiring an expert appraiser, contrasting your property to similar properties in the region which have sold recently, and using online tools such as for example .

Price your home correctly: once you've determined the marketplace worth of your property, it is critical to price it appropriately. If you cost it too low, you are going to generate losses, if you price it way too high, it could take quite a long time to offer. In order to prevent this, be sure to set an aggressive price this is certainly on the basis of the up-to-date market situations. You are able to ask an agent for his or her opinion from the best price for your house.

Make appropriate repair works and modifications: Before you sell your property for cash, make required servicing and developments that may increase its value. Give attention to areas that may have the greatest impact, for instance the kitchen and bathroom. Updating these areas will allow you to sell your property for cash fast, because they are two of the very priceless places in your home. It's also advisable to ensure that your home is well-maintained and clean. A clear, well-kept home may well be more attractive to potential customers and certainly will assist you to sell your property for cash fast.

Present your property: Setting up your home can really help increase its appeal and also make it more appealing to potential customers. This requires organizing, ordering furnishing, furthermore incorporating themes which help create a warm and inviting atmosphere. A better-staged residence could be a huge selling point, so it is worth investing the full time and energy to complete it right. You can hire a specialist home stager that will help you create an optimal living area for potential customers.

Locate financing: To flip houses for profit, you ought to secure financing. There are lots of options available, including traditional loans from banks, hard money loans, and private loans. Pick the option that is better for you personally as well as your financial predicament, and then make certain to have a good plan set up for how you would finance your very own flipping project.

Make use of the best specialists: to make certain a fruitful flipping project, it's important to make use of just the right specialists. This can include real estate professionals, contractors, inspectors, and law firms. A realtor will allow you to find the appropriate property and show you through the buying and selling plan. General contractors can deal with repairs and rehabilitations, inspectors can measure the condition of this property, and law firms are designed for legal matters. By using the services of the best pros, it is possible to assure a clear and prospering flipping undertaking.

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Комментарий by HelenUnupe
2024-06-08 20:55:15

In today's quick planet, pressure has become a frequent challenge that many persons experience. However, learning strain management techniques is essential for maintaining overall mental health and productivity.

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Комментарий by Karengomma
2024-06-14 22:42:07

Guaranteeing the security of your home is essential in today's unpredictable times. One of the the most effective ways to safeguard your valuables and sense of security is by investing in a dependable safe. Whether you're protecting money, vital paperwork, or precious heirlooms, a safe offers a secure repository solution.

Regarding choosing the right safe for your residence, there are numerous elements to think about. First and foremost, evaluate your protection necessities. Decide what items you intend to store in the safe and the degree of security required for each item.

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In addition, look into the security features of the safe. Search for features such as solid construction, reliable locking mechanisms, and fireproof materials. Consider committing in a safe with added safety features, such as biometric thumbprint scanners or digital keypads.

Finally, keep in mind to take into account your budget when selecting a safe. Establish a reasonable budget based on your safety requirements and look around for alternatives that match within your budgetary constraints.

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Комментарий by FrancisPounk
2024-06-26 22:12:24

Living in Orange County or all coastal city near the ocean provides countless perks, but it also presents distinct challenges. One particular challenge involves the potential damage due to moisture and humidity to the drywall inside our homes. In this blog post, we will investigate the vitality of quick drywall repair and talk about the particular considerations for homeowners in OC and other coastal cities. By grasping the risks and taking proactive measures, residents can guarantee the longevity and structural integrity of these homes.

Comprehending the Impact of Moisture on Drywall

Drywall, a widely used building material used for interior walls and ceilings, is susceptible to moisture damage. In coastal areas, the proximity towards the ocean raises the risk because of higher humidity levels and occasional moisture intrusion through the salty air. When moisture penetrates into drywall, it can cause various issues, including:

Fungus and Fungi Growth: Excess moisture creates a perfect environment for mold and mildew to thrive, endangering indoor quality of air and posing health risks.

Structural Weakness: Wet drywall weakens and loses its structural integrity, potentially leading to sagging, cracks, and even collapse.

Aesthetical wear: wetness destruction often effects in hideous blemishes, bubbly, ripping paint, and surface decline in quality, lowering the overall look of your home.

Timely Drywall Restore: Fighting Beyond Wear

Restoring drywall quickly is vital to avoid more harm and minimize restoration cost. Delaying repairs can exacerbate established obstacles, leading to considerably intensive and damaging building work. Consider the next explanations why quick drywall servicing is really important:

Mold Mitigation: responding to humidity-related issues promptly helps prevent fungus growth and growth, ensuring your household's health.

Preserving Functional Integrity

: Correcting battered drywall guarantees the consistency and protective of your home, evading possible hazards.

Avoiding other Damage: Humidity-affected drywall could influence adjoining materials such as insulation and wooden framing. By mending drywall quickly, it is possible to evade additional harm and corresponding treatments.

Cost Efficiency: Early detection and repair of drywall issues are increasingly cost-effective than waiting through to the harm gets extreme. Seasonable repairs conserve you against widespread renovations and possible evacuation costs.

Strategies for Drywall Maintaining in Coastal Counties

Residing close to the seashore requires extra care to keep up the strength of one's drywall. Below are a few practical methods for home-owners in OC and coastwise urban areas:

Normal Assessments: Conduct everyday visual review of your drywall, being mindful of signs of dampness harm, such as slight discoloration, peeling paint, or softer marks.

Coping with Humidity: Use dryers or air conditioning units to control household moisture stages, extremely for the duration of wet conditions.

Maintaining Ventilation: Make sure appropriate ventilation system in bathrooms, living rooms, and other areas vulnerable to hydration accretion. Set and maintain exhaust system fans to eliminate unwanted dampness.

Regularly Having the outside: Consistently inspect your property's outer walls, like the roof top, drains, and room windows, to detect and handle any capacity spots of humidity entrance.

Resolving Plumbing outflow: Fix any plumbing needs leaks promptly to avoid water from leaking in to the interior walls and prompting drywall havoc.

Professional help: Hire qualified specialists for absolute examinations and fixes to target any existing or expected drywall things.


In coastwise countries like Orange County, quick drywall cure is crucial to reduce the disastrous effects of humidity to your humidity. By understanding the potential risks connected with dampness harm and taking on hands-on steps, families can also ensure the long lifespan, basic safety, and visual selling point of their unique home.

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Комментарий by Karengomma
2024-06-27 15:47:25

Safe shopping isn't just about picking any box with a lock; it's about committing in the top protection for your belongings. In today's society, where security threats are persistent, having a reliable safe is essential. Whether you're safeguarding money, important documents, or sentimental items, the right safe can provide a sense of security like no other.

One of the most important aspects of a safe is its design. High-quality safes are manufactured from sturdy materials such as steel or titanium, promising protection against intrusions. Additionally, advanced locking mechanisms, such as biometric scanners or digital keypads, add an extra layer of security to deter unauthorized access.

Another vital feature to consider is heat resistance. Top-notch safes are engineered to withstand high temperatures and protect your valuables in the event of a fire. Investing in a fireproof safe ensures that even in the face of catastrophe, your most precious possessions remain intact.

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